MANY is a platform to facilitate migration through an exchange of needs. It serves people who might say, “We don’t want your citizenship or your victimhood or your segregation or your bad jobs. We don’t want to stay.”
Working around national obstructions, MANY reflects the persistence of resourceful people making secure group-to-group connections. Shorter project-based journeys that trade in non-market exchanges of time and training are generated and aggregated for global credentials.
There are no haves and have nots, and no solutions—only needs and problems to put together.
MANY is a heavy information system that exists to build spatial networks and cosmopolitan mobility. Cities can bargain with their underexploited space to attract a changing influx of talent and resources—matching their needs to the needs of mobile people to generate mutual benefits.
From the MASSIVE editors: Until recently, the sharing economy was seen as a response to contemporary capitalism, with atomization on a massive scale as a resistance to the corporate and state centralism. Today, however, when those collaborative platforms have been transformed into global corporations, that hope seems to have exhausted. This project recovers the original expectations of network economy to propose a solution to the migratory crisis, replacing the massive mobility of people by the massive exchange of knowledge and skills.