Those who have not been isolated and surrounded as captives cannot know that pain, but, through that unspeakable pain, does Palestine model a special shared condition? Without relinquishing land that has become the contested territory of nations—thus rewarding those who long for war—does the collective fight for another kind of land provide it with extra powers?
In a way that may seem counterintuitive, discontinuity, inconsistency, and patchiness are the secret weapons of this activism. They contribute to defiance and dissensus while reflecting a world of multiple ecologies that rely on difference and interdependence. To match a spectrum of dangers there is a spectrum of regenerative possibilities for being human. To match the situated and mobile forces of colonizing, capitalizing, and globalizing, there is a situated as well as a mobile commons with a capacity for planetary sovereignty and solidarity. These activists can put their bodies in specific places to stop political superbugs while also shape-shifting to become the moving targets that keep the superbugs starved and disoriented. It is not a symmetrical war with the stupidity of the last 500 years. It is the flowering of live organizations of community and kinship. It is a release into abundant, unstoppable, entangled economies to overwhelm that stupidity with potentials that are already there, if everyone tries to be in Palestine.